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Nursery – Dinosaur Park and Farm Trip
June 27 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
As part of our summer term learning, the children will be learning about dinosaurs and making links between the past and present.
In order to support and enhance this learning experience, we are pleased to announce we are planning to visit Gulliver’s Dinosaur Park and Farm on Thursday 27th June.
The trip is planned to last for the majority of the school day with the children leaving shortly after 9am and returning at 2:30pm.
We are inviting all our children to attend this trip regardless of whether they normally attend all day, morning or afternoon sessions. If your child normally finishes at 2:30pm then please collect them as normal at this time.
Your child will need to bring a packed lunch including a (non-fizzy) drink preferably in a bottle that can be opened and closed e.g. not a carton of juice.
To minimise the amount of things being carried around, the lunch should be provided in disposable containers so that any rubbish can be collected once the children have eaten.
Children should not bring any spending money with them as we will not be visiting the gift shop.
All children should wear school uniform so they are easily identifiable by staff, but they can wear trainers as they will be walking for most of the day. The school will provide yellow high visibility vests so that the children are easily identifiable as an additional safeguarding measure.
The calculated cost is £21.80 per child. Although this is a voluntary contribution, we are dependent upon your kind support and the receipt of this contributions in order to meet the cost of the experience. Indeed, if we do not receive sufficient contributions by Friday 14th June we will unfortunately be forced to cancel this learning opportunity.
Please log onto your MCAS account under Trips to give consent and to pay for this trip.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the trip please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher.