Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Year One
Year One at Fairfields is designed to build on your child’s developing skills of independence and curiosity, which will have been nurtured during their journey from Nursery and Reception. We strongly believe in the value of learning through play at all ages and this is reflected in how we design our curriculum in Key Stage One.
During this year, the children will have daily sessions of English, maths and phonics. They will also have sessions throughout the week which focus on our ‘Imaginative Learning Projects.’ This is a themed based approach to the curriculum and will teach the children the skills and knowledge from the national curriculum for foundation subjects. This includes history, geography, science, art and design and technology. As part of this learning journey we start each half term with an engage day which is designed to hook our children with the topic. Threaded throughout the year, trips and visits are also planned to embed and enhance learning.
The children will continue to experience opportunities to learn through play every day through our continuous provision. The teachers carefully plan these invitations to play, which allow the children to apply and practise the skills they have been taught in direct teaching time. Through this approach we create independent, curious, collaborative and resilient learners, with a real love to learn!
In addition to this the children are taught high quality PE by our own sports coach. Throughout our Imaginative Learning Projects, we also have sessions of Religious Education (RE) and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
In June, Year One children participate in the Phonics Screening Check. This is another method that allows us to assess children’s reading ability and how effectively they can decode and blend sounds. At Fairfields we strive to ensure that your child feels confident and resilient enough to face these ‘challenges’ and we aim to do this in such a way that your child will hardly know they have done them.
We have an open door policy and strongly believe in the value in working in partnership with you. If you have any concerns or queries, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance.