Remote Learning Offer
During Covid lock down periods, we learnt a lot about our remote learning offer and what we might do moving forward if we needed to access this type of provision again.
One of the significant changes that we now have is the ability for all of our children to have access to their own 1-1 device through the FUTURES project. This means that we will be able to explore a new remote learning offer that every child will have access to. Further details of this will be published as we progress through our FUTURES project.
The expectation will be that children will have access to live lessons, as well as opportunities to submit their work, and receive feedback.
Pastoral sessions will support all children including registration and assembly activities, with physical activity and well being featuring in the weeks schedule.
Communication will take place with each family on a weekly basis and where required, support and sign posting for further support will be provided.
If we have to reinstate our remote learning provision, information will be shared here on the website, as well as through MCAS.
We are always contactable and encourage our families to contact us with any queries, concerns or comments.