Achieve together, step by step!

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Lunar New Year Celebration 28.02.25

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Animal Experience 05.02.25


Wake Up Wednesdays- Scams and Fake News


Animal Edge School Visit 3rd February 2025

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Children’s Mental Health Week

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February Half Term Club

Fairfields Primary School is a brand new purpose built school in the heart of the rapidly growing Fairfields development, part of the West Expansion Area, on the outskirts of Milton Keynes.

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Welcome to Fairfields Primary School!  We are proud to be a member of the Inspiring Futures through Learning Academy Trust, based on the growing development of Fairfields in Milton Keynes.

My name is Kelly Cursley, and I am delighted to be leading Fairfields Primary School as we venture into the next phase for our growing school.  Fairfields opened 6 years ago; from that point an incredible community has been created.   Working together, the local community, families, staff, governors and most importantly the children, have created a wonderful primary school based on excellent working relationships, trust and a whole- hearted commitment by all to providing the very best educational offer for our children.

Looking ahead, I am excited to travel new adventures with this incredible team!  We continue to welcome new families into the school, and I pledge to continue the amazing work achieved so far.   I am passionate that our children’s experience of primary school should be full of wonderful memories capturing individual and collective achievements, sharing exciting experiences, and working towards incredible aspirations.

The best way to see Fairfields in action is to come for a visit!  We look forward to welcoming you into our school.

With warmest wishes

Kelly Cursley
Head of School
Fairfields Primary School