My Child At School (MCAS) is our online communication tool, designed to provide easy access to communications, bookings and payments.
MCAS allows you to pay directly for school trips, Nursery, clubs, Parents Evening and tickets for events. It ensures real time up to date communication between home and school and is also used to share children's reports.
Should you require any assistance setting up your MCAS account please do not hesitate to call into school and we will support you in setting it up.
My Child At School (MCAS) can be accessed online via the Website or can be downloaded as an app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
The benefit of installing the app is you will receive push notifications directly from your app when communications are sent out. Alternatively if you choose to use the website version you will have to check your emails daily to ensure you are aware of any communications.
Please see links below for My Child At School (MCAS) Guidance documents
Guide to filling out admissions forms
MCAS Information - App vs Website