Muck, Mess and Mixtures
On Monday 18th February 2018 years 1, 2 and 3 had a very exciting morning to launch our new topics ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ and ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’. The children were understandably excited when they arrived at school to see the fantastic labaratory that Mrs Tagg had created in the classroom and the outdoor area. However the children had a very important job to do! We needed them to test a selection of different mixtures in their teams and come up with a variety of ideas as to how the different mixtures could be used to enhance learning in the nursery and reception classes. The children did a fantastic job at coming up with suggested ideas as well as posing scientific questions. But of course it wasn’t all work, we had a lot of fun too! The children had the opportunity to feel a variety of weird and wonderful mixtures with both our hands and our feet, including; gelli bath, marvellous mud, gruesome gravel, wild water, quick sand, dastardly doh, fantastic foam and spectacular spaghetti! We hope that you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed getting messy!