Online Education and Learning Resources

Dear Parents/Carers,
Today (Monday 20th April 2020) sees the launch of two new online education and learning resources – The Oak National Academy and an extension to BBC Bitesize.
Oak National Academy is a new online classroom and resource hub, which has been launched to support teachers until schools re-open. The online classroom provides free lessons and resources for pupils from reception through to year 10. Fairfields class teachers are currently looking through the content of the lessons and will make suggestions of which ones they think will be useful for your child(ren)
All resources, lessons and more information can be accessed at
BBC Bitesize is launching its own education package as part of their Charter across TV and online – helping to keep children learning and supporting parents.
You can find more information at
Class teachers have also added new learning activities to their year group section on the website. Many of these activities link to what would have been the new Imaginative Learning Projects for this new half term. This time Class teachers have tried to include more hands on ‘doing’ activities to try an ensure that children are not doing too much screen time learning.
We are aware, through our weekly phone calls, that some parents are finding home learning tricky and we cannot stress enough that during this time the prime importance is both yours and your child’s wellbeing. Please do not feel under pressure to carry out hours and hours of home learning but instead enjoy spending time with your child(ren) undertaking activities that teach them life skills e.g cooking, gardening, etc. If your child is in the mood for learning then take advantage of that but if they are not don’t force them to as it can become stressful for everyone. As a school we do not expect a set amount of learning to be completed and when we eventually all return to school we will pick up where we left off and ensure, as we always do, that each child’s individual learning needs are addressed.
Help and advice from the NSPCC about dealing with home learning and behaviour at home can be found on their website:
Resources for mental health and wellbeing from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families can be found on their website:
The Government have also issued guidance for parents and carers on supporting their children’s education during Coronavirus. Information can be found on their website:

Even though school is closed to the majority of children, our staff are still working hard behind the scenes at school and home to ensure that our children and families are supported and remain safe at this uncertain time. Therefore if you have any questions, queries or concerns please discuss them with the class teacher when they make their weekly phone calls.
Stay safe everyone.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Tagg
Deputy Head

Think you Know Online Resources
4-5 year olds – click HERE <>

5-7 year olds – click HERE <>

8-10 year olds – click HERE <>